Dear Friends,

These challenging times have been the occasion for re-evaluating much in our lives, including the education of our children. As we look ahead to the 2020-21 academic year, Cardinal Newman Academy will open with in-person instruction, on time and in accordance with public health guidance . Our size, coupled with our spacious facilities, make compliance with health guidance feasible without jeopardizing learning.

We invite you to consider joining us. Why do we support a school or select one for our children? Most of us would agree that the pursuit of knowledge and virtue is paramount: knowledge that will guide them in their journey of life and virtue so they might be happy in that journey and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Cardinal Newman Academy continues in this mission, ensuring our students receive the education they need for the next step in their lives. To learn more, watch the video below for a virtual tour of our campus.

To learn more about our program and our plans for the 2020-21 academic year, please contact me.
In Christ,

Stephen M. Fitzpatrick

Stephen M. Fitzpatrick

Head of School, Cardinal Newman Academy