Welcome to Cardinal Newman Academy

Embark on an adventurous journey of knowledge, where academic excellence meets faith and character formation. At Cardinal Newman Academy, we prepare students not just for college, but for life, nurturing both intellect and spirit.

Discover our academic programs.

Engage in a vibrant student life.

Participate in our sports programs.


Catholic, Liberal Arts Education with a Spirit of Adventure

At Cardinal Newman, education is an adventure that takes you to new heights of understanding.

Wonder and Discovery

Explore the beauty of creation through our hands-on learning.

Academic Excellence

Delve into learning and develop skills for a lifetime.

Joyfully Catholic

Embrace your Faith in all aspects of life.

Educational Philosophy

At Cardinal Newman Academy, we provide a rigorous education rooted in the liberal arts tradition. We believe that knowledge is worth having for its own sake, and our primary mission is to teach our students, in the words of St. John Henry Newman, to “reach out towards truth and grasp it.” Our students pursue this goal with a sense of wonder and a spirit of joy in the gifts of our own lives and of all God’s creation.

Holistic Integration

Our curriculum integrates faith and life, grounds learning in a Catholic worldview, cultivates virtue, and esteems the sanctity of life. Cardinal Newman Academy emphasizes the great works of Western civilization to help our students acquire the moral and intellectual habits needed to excel with integrity in any academic or professional pursuits.

Virtue and Excellence

We educate our students by introducing them to the best that has been thought, written, formed, and expressed. These exemplars teach Truth, Beauty, and Goodness while forming the moral imagination. Finally, we recognize that we prepare our students to go out into the world, to be Christian citizens who witness to the Truth.

Explore Our School

Discover the Cardinal Newman Academy experience through our photo gallery. Witness the vibrant life of our students as they engage in academic, extracurricular, and community service activities, all aimed at fostering holistic development.