Our Academics

Our educational program is founded on the liberal arts and aims at the flourishing of the human person.

Education as Adventure

St. John Henry Newman compared education to climbing a mountain, or exploring unknown territory.  Education is not merely about the memorization of facts, but about making connections between things, expanding our horizons, and opening the mind to wonder at the beauty of God’s creation.

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Education for Life

By studying the classic works of Western Civilization, our students join the on-going conversation between the greatest minds about the highest truths. This education in the liberal arts provides the foundation necessary for any educational path or career.

Experience the Adventure of Learning with Newman

Small class sizes with excellent faculty

Our dedicated teachers provide personalized attention, fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment for each student's growth and success.

Field trips and hands-on learning

Students participate in field trips and hands-on activities, making real-world connections and deepening their understanding of academic concepts.

Preparation for diverse career paths

Our curriculum and strong academic foundation prepare students for various career opportunities, enabling them to excel in fields from engineering to literature.

Seek in Wonder; Serve with Joy.

Our unique program is designed to facilitate wonder in learning, exemplified by our flagship 9th grade Natural History Course. Students learn about local species and habitats, observe them on field trips, and collect specimens, changing their perspective on the world. In 11th grade, students participate in a weekly service learning project at St. Francis - Manchester, an assisted living facility in Richmond. They bring joy to residents through music, baking, art, and more, building meaningful connections.

Centered on Christ

Every Friday, the entire school gathers for Mass and Adoration, forming the heart of our community identity. Daily Mass is also available three additional days a week, with over half the student body participating. Those not attending Mass have a period for quiet reading and reflection. Additionally, we offer Confession biweekly, pray the Angelus daily, and begin each class with a prayer.

Our Curriculum

At Cardinal Newman Academy, our curriculum is rooted in the liberal arts tradition, providing a rigorous and holistic education. We integrate faith and life, emphasizing the development of intellectual and moral virtues.


The study of theology at Cardinal Newman Academy gives each student a thorough and deep knowledge of the Catholic faith, love for the truth, and an understanding of the complementarity of faith and reason. The primary purpose and final goal of theological inquiry is, however, the development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a consequent commitment to love and serve one’s neighbor. Cardinal Newman Academy recognizes the importance of the Sacraments and personal prayer for the integration of faith and life. The theology curriculum follows the guidelines established by the Diocese of Richmond and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Cardinal Newman Academy requires four years of theology.

Courses Offered:

  • Catechesis & Doctrine
  • Sacred Scripture
  • Moral Theology & Social Teaching
  • Mass & Spiritual Classics
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The course of study in history begins with the examination of the foundations of Western Civilization as built on Judeo-Christian tradition, with the Incarnation as the central event in human history. Upper-level history classes will concentrate on United States history as well as non-Western cultures. The history curriculum teaches critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis through the examination of primary and secondary sources and the study of historiography. Cardinal Newman Academy requires four years of History.

Courses Offered:

  • Ancient
  • Medieval
  • American
  • Modern
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As Cardinal Newman states, literature is the “manifestation of human nature in human language”: it portrays the relations, actions, emotions, and passions of human beings. Great literature is beautiful, and this beauty has a powerful formative influence on youth. Through their engagement with great literature, students learn self-reflection and creativity through the writing process; develop the skills necessary for insightful literary analysis; and reflect on the value of character and virtue that are integral to the school’s mission. Finally, literature provides students with models of clear, precise, and beautiful English and teaches them to write well. Cardinal Newman Academy requires four years of Literature.

Courses Offered:

  • English Literature and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition II
  • English Literature and Composition III
  • English Literature and Composition IV
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The sciences ask the student to look at the created universe and ask great questions, express wonder in its complexity and delicacy, and come to better know the Creator through his creation. The study of science demands that the student use the senses to observe the natural world, the intellect to derive insights and formulate questions about those perceptions, and finally, the conscience to apply reflection and judgment to the observations and conclusions. Cardinal Newman Academy requires three years, and offers four years, of Science.

Courses Offered:

  •  Natural History
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
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The Mathematics curriculum at Cardinal Newman Academy seeks to impart students with aptitude in mathematical reasoning rather than merely teaching mathematical procedures. Mathematics courses will emphasize creative as well as logical thinking skills, include discussion sessions that foster creative applications of mathematical knowledge and deepen conceptual understanding, and challenge students to apply mathematical concepts to other disciplines. Cardinal Newman Academy requires mathematics through Algebra II; higher levels of mathematics are offered.

Courses Offered:

  • Algebra I
  • Geometry
  • Algebra II
  • Pre-Calculus
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Latin and Greek are the languages on which our Western civilization was built.  Through the study of Latin, students receive a deeper understanding of the cultures and thought of Ancient Rome.  In addition, as the language of the Church, Latin unlocks a treasure-hoard of prayers, hymns, and literature that can only be fully appreciated in the original language. The study of Latin also improves a student’s understanding of the structure of language, and consequently improves the precision of their thought. Finally, learning Latin vocabulary helps students expand their own vocabulary in English, and prepares them for the study of modern romance languages, the sciences, and other fields that use Latin terminology. Cardinal Newman Academy requires two years of Latin; higher levels of Latin are offered.

Courses Offered:

  • Latin I
  • Latin II
  • Latin III
  • Latin IV
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Students choose academic electives to complete their schedule, as available. These enrich the learning experience and allow students to specialize in topics that interest them.

Courses Offered:

  • Philosophy
  • Statistics
  • Art History
  • Government & Political Theory
  • Ancient Greek
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